Types of Skin Lesions

What is a Lesion?

A Lesion is any abnormal tissue found on or in an organism, usually damaged by disease or trauma.

What are the Types of Lesions:

Primary Lesions:
  1. Macule – skin color change without elevation.
  2. Papule - is solid, raised spot on the skin that is less than 1 centimeter wide.
  3. Plaque – raised, flat lesion form from merging papules or nodules.
  4. Nodule – larger than papule. Raised solid Lesion extending deeper into the dermis.
  5. Tumor – larger than a nodule. Elevated firm lesion that may or may not be easily demarcated.
  6. Wheal (Hive) – fleeting skin elevation that is irregularly shaped because of edema.
  7. Vesicle (Blister) – elevated, sharply defined lesion containing serous fluid.
  8. Bulla (plural: Bullae) – large, elevated, fluid–filled lesion greater than 1cm.
  9. Cyst – elevated, thick-walled lesion containing fluid or semisolid matter.
  10. Pustule – elevated lesion less than 1cm containing purulent material.

Secondary Lesion:
  1. Scale – dried fragments of sloughed epidermal cells, irregular in shape and in size and white, tan, yellow or silver in color.
  2. Scar – mark left on the skin after healing. Replacement of destroyed tissue by fibrous tissue.
  3. Crust – dried serum, sebum, blood or pus on skin surface producing a temporary barrier to environment.
  4. Erosion – a moist, demarcated, depressed area due to loss of partial - or full thickness epidermis.
  5. Ulcer – irregularly shaped, exudative, depressed lesion in which entire epidermis an upper layer of dermis are lost.
  6. Excoriation – superficial, linear abrasion of epidermis.
  7. Fissure – deep linear split through epidermis into dermis.
  8. Atrophy – wasting of epidermis in which skin appears thin and transparent or of dermis in
    which there is a depressed area.