How to Play and Learn How To Solve Sudoku

How to play Sudoku

Try to fill the grid with the integers 1 to 9 such that each row, column, and box (3×3 regions bordered by thick lines) contains a single instance of all the integers from 1 to 9.

Take a look at the following example. Click on the image to see the solution.You would notice that each row has an instance of 1 to 9, each column has an instance of 1 to 9 and each 3 × 3 box has an instance of 1 to 9. A well designed sudoku puzzle would have only one possible solution.

Although the sudoku rules are simple, the difficulty of a iudoku puzzle may range from very easy to very hard. This could have contributed to the popularity of sudoku as it can be designed as a puzzle for kids or a puzzle for the experts.

There are also many variations of sudoku that can make the puzzle even more challenging than the basic 9 × 9 puzzle.

Learn How To Solve Sudoku

Solving Sudoku involves several different logical methods or strategies.

Have a look at this video series of Sudoku Tips which will show you the different techniques that can be used to solve Sudoku Puzzles.

Here's an e-book that teaches the methods of solving Sudoku and has lots of Sudoku puzzles that you can practice with - Sudoku By Steps.


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